Saturday, May 11, 2013
9 popular hangover remedies from around the world
Pounding head, queasy stomach, dry mouth -- welcome to your
hangover. While mankind is united in this particular form of post-bender
misery, variations abound when it comes to taming the beast. Here are a few hangover remedy traditions from drinking cultures around the world.

The morning after an epic boozefest, Namibians sip a concoction called Buffalo Milk, which is surprisingly devoid of actual buffalo milk. Rather, enjoy a brew of clotted cream, dark rum, spiced rum, cream liqueur, and whole cream, according to Gizmodo.
Hungover Germans saddle up to katerfrühstück, or 'hangover breakfast,' which comprises a raw, pickled herring wrapped around pieces of gherkin and onion.

Poles are famed for outdrinking just about anyone, but they are not immune to hangover hell. Their morning brew: a tasty swig of pickle juice, writes Lonely Planet.Italy
While Italians chase their hangovers with a fine cup of espresso, Sicilians are famous for their cure of eating a dried bull's penis. According to The Guardian in the UK, ancient Romans also snacked on deep-fried canaries after a rave.Japan
After a heavy night of sake drinking, Japanese are known to eat pickled, dried ume, which is similar to a plum or apricot. Steep it in green tea to neutralize, sort of, the intensely sour taste, writes Gizmodo.
When it comes to binge drinking, the Brits are notorious - and their day-after remedy of choice, tucking into a fry up, a heaving platter of bacon, eggs, sausages, and side dishes such as beans and tomatoes. Another favorite: hair of the dog, or drinking more alcohol the morning after to ease (er, delay) the symptoms.
Filipino partiers calm a queasy stomach with a delicacy known as balut, a poached duck embryo, beak often included.
Home Remedy For Sinusitis
Raw vegetable juice is beneficial in treating sinusitis. Combine 300 ml
of carrot juice, 100 ml of cucumber juice, 100 ml of beet juice and 200
ml of spinach juice and drink on a daily basis.
• Consuming
fruits rich in Vitamin A is effective in sinusitis. One of the richest
sources of the vitamin is mango. So, patients suffering from sinus
should have lots of mangoes. Other food products rich in Vitamin A
include pumpkin, leafy vegetables, egg yolk, tomatoes, papaya, carrots,
curd and whole milk.
• Roast
100 grams of cumin seeds and mix them with 200 grams of pure ghee.
Consume daily. It is one of the most effective ways to cure sinusitis.
• Take a tsp of black cumin seeds and tie them in a thin cloth.
Inhaling from the cloth would be effective in reducing sinusitis.
• Boil a tsp of fenugreek seeds in half a glass of water, until the
decoction reduces to half. Consuming 3 to 4 cups of this tea would help
in expelling all the toxins, increasing the perspiration rate and
thereby reducing fever, along with sinusitis.
• Pungent
smelling vegetables, like onion hr and garlic, are helpful in curing
sinusitis. Inhaling their smell would also prove to be beneficial.
• Steam is effective in curing sinusitis. It opens the nasal passage by draining the sinuses and making mucous flow easy.
• Avoid cold items and oily stuff. They trigger the upper respiratory diseases, instead of lessening them.
• Gargling with salted lukewarm water is beneficial in treating
sinusitis. For this, add a pinch of salt in a glass of lukewarm water
and gargle with it.
• Prepare ginger or cinnamon tea and drink it when it is slightly on the hotter side. It is helpful in curing sinusitis. —
Raw vegetable juice is beneficial in treating sinusitis. Combine 300 ml
of carrot juice, 100 ml of cucumber juice, 100 ml of beet juice and 200
ml of spinach juice and drink on a daily basis.
• Consuming fruits rich in Vitamin A is effective in sinusitis. One of the richest sources of the vitamin is mango. So, patients suffering from sinus should have lots of mangoes. Other food products rich in Vitamin A include pumpkin, leafy vegetables, egg yolk, tomatoes, papaya, carrots, curd and whole milk.
• Roast 100 grams of cumin seeds and mix them with 200 grams of pure ghee. Consume daily. It is one of the most effective ways to cure sinusitis.
• Take a tsp of black cumin seeds and tie them in a thin cloth. Inhaling from the cloth would be effective in reducing sinusitis.
• Boil a tsp of fenugreek seeds in half a glass of water, until the decoction reduces to half. Consuming 3 to 4 cups of this tea would help in expelling all the toxins, increasing the perspiration rate and thereby reducing fever, along with sinusitis.
• Pungent smelling vegetables, like onion hr and garlic, are helpful in curing sinusitis. Inhaling their smell would also prove to be beneficial.
• Steam is effective in curing sinusitis. It opens the nasal passage by draining the sinuses and making mucous flow easy.
• Avoid cold items and oily stuff. They trigger the upper respiratory diseases, instead of lessening them.
• Gargling with salted lukewarm water is beneficial in treating sinusitis. For this, add a pinch of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and gargle with it.
• Prepare ginger or cinnamon tea and drink it when it is slightly on the hotter side. It is helpful in curing sinusitis. —
• Consuming fruits rich in Vitamin A is effective in sinusitis. One of the richest sources of the vitamin is mango. So, patients suffering from sinus should have lots of mangoes. Other food products rich in Vitamin A include pumpkin, leafy vegetables, egg yolk, tomatoes, papaya, carrots, curd and whole milk.
• Roast 100 grams of cumin seeds and mix them with 200 grams of pure ghee. Consume daily. It is one of the most effective ways to cure sinusitis.
• Take a tsp of black cumin seeds and tie them in a thin cloth. Inhaling from the cloth would be effective in reducing sinusitis.
• Boil a tsp of fenugreek seeds in half a glass of water, until the decoction reduces to half. Consuming 3 to 4 cups of this tea would help in expelling all the toxins, increasing the perspiration rate and thereby reducing fever, along with sinusitis.
• Pungent smelling vegetables, like onion hr and garlic, are helpful in curing sinusitis. Inhaling their smell would also prove to be beneficial.
• Steam is effective in curing sinusitis. It opens the nasal passage by draining the sinuses and making mucous flow easy.
• Avoid cold items and oily stuff. They trigger the upper respiratory diseases, instead of lessening them.
• Gargling with salted lukewarm water is beneficial in treating sinusitis. For this, add a pinch of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and gargle with it.
• Prepare ginger or cinnamon tea and drink it when it is slightly on the hotter side. It is helpful in curing sinusitis. —
Know About Unani system of Medicine Background and History
system of medicine (Unani-pathy) is generally the medicine developed by
the muslims in India and elsewhere in the Islamic world . Unani
medicine originated in Greece and is based on the teachings of
Hippocrates and Gallen and it was developed into an elaborate medical
system by Arabs like Rhazes, Avicenna, Al-Zahravi, Ibne-Nafis and others
.Many Arab and Persian scholars enriched the system.
System is based on the four humours Phlegm (Balgham), Blood (Dam),
Yellow bile (Safra) and Black Bile (Sauda ) - it seems to mean hard
substance and black material).
Most medicines and remedies
(often common herbs and foods) used in Unani are also used in Ayurveda.
While Unani was influenced by Islam, Ayurveda is associated with Vedic
culture .
Unani medicines got enriched by
imbibing what was best in the
contemporary systems of traditional medicines in Egypt,
Syria, Iraq, Persia (Iran) , India,
China and other Middle East
countries . In India Unani system
of medicine was introduced by
the Arabs and soon it took firm roots.
Unani System has Shown remarkable results in curing the
diseases like Arthritis,
Leucoderma, Jaundice, Liver disorders, Nervous system disorders, Bronchial Asthma, and several other acute and chronic
diseases where other systems have not been able to give
desired response.Now the system has crossed national
boundaries and is popular among the masses globally.
Unani treatment is based on its natural and remarkable
diagnosis methods and is affordable.
It is mainly dependent
on the Temperament (Mizaj) of the patient, hereditary condition
and effects, different complaints, signs and symptoms of the body, external observation,
examination of the Pulse (Nubz),
urine and stool etc. Unique and
special treatment methods like
Dieto therapy (Ilaj-bil-Ghiza), Climatic therapy (Ilaj-bil-Hawa),
Regimental therapy (Ilaj-bit-Tadbir), make it a different and
remarkable and popular system.
Regimental therapy includes venesection, cupping, diaphoresis, diuresis, Turkish
bath, massage, cauterization,
purging, emesis, exercise, leeching,etc.
6 Air Purifying House Plants.
1. Bamboo Palm: It removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier.
2. Snake Plant: It absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.
3. Areca Palm: One of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness.
4. Spider Plant: Great indoor plant for removing carbon monoxide and
other toxins or impurities. Spider plants are one of three plants deems
best at removing formaldahyde from the air.
5. Peace Lily:
Peace lilies could be called the “clean-all.” They’re often placed in
bathrooms or laundry rooms because they’re known for removing mold
spores. Also know to remove formaldahyde and trichloroethylene.
6. Gerbera Daisy: Not only do these gorgeous flowers remove benzene
from the air, they’re known to improve sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide
and giving off more oxygen over night.
1. Bamboo Palm: It removes formaldahyde and is also said to act as a natural humidifier.
2. Snake Plant: It absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.
3. Areca Palm: One of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness.
4. Spider Plant: Great indoor plant for removing carbon monoxide and other toxins or impurities. Spider plants are one of three plants deems best at removing formaldahyde from the air.
5. Peace Lily: Peace lilies could be called the “clean-all.” They’re often placed in bathrooms or laundry rooms because they’re known for removing mold spores. Also know to remove formaldahyde and trichloroethylene.
6. Gerbera Daisy: Not only do these gorgeous flowers remove benzene from the air, they’re known to improve sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off more oxygen over night.

2. Snake Plant: It absorb nitrogen oxides and formaldahyde.
3. Areca Palm: One of the best air purifying plants for general air cleanliness.
4. Spider Plant: Great indoor plant for removing carbon monoxide and other toxins or impurities. Spider plants are one of three plants deems best at removing formaldahyde from the air.
5. Peace Lily: Peace lilies could be called the “clean-all.” They’re often placed in bathrooms or laundry rooms because they’re known for removing mold spores. Also know to remove formaldahyde and trichloroethylene.
6. Gerbera Daisy: Not only do these gorgeous flowers remove benzene from the air, they’re known to improve sleep by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving off more oxygen over night.

Natural Therapy For Headaches!
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.......
The nose has a left and a right side.
We use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different.
You'll be able to feel the difference.
The right side represents the sun.
The left side represents the moon.
During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.
If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily.
Left side belongs to 'cold'.
Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get "cooled off" faster.
Most of the guys breathe with their right noses,
they get worked up.
Do you notice, the moment you awake, which side breathes better?
Left or right ?
If left is better, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing..
You will feel refreshed quickly.
Do you suffer from continual headaches?
Try out this breathing therapy.
Close your right nose and breathe through your left nose.
Your headaches will be gone.
Continued the exercise for one month.
Why not give it a try.....a natural therapy without medication.
Natural Therapy For Headaches!
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.......
The nose has a left and a right side.
We use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different.
You'll be able to feel the difference.
The right side represents the sun.
The left side represents the moon.
During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.
If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily.
Left side belongs to 'cold'.
Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get "cooled off" faster.
Most of the guys breathe with their right noses,
they get worked up.
Do you notice, the moment you awake, which side breathes better?
Left or right ?
If left is better, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing..
You will feel refreshed quickly.
Do you suffer from continual headaches?
Try out this breathing therapy.
Close your right nose and breathe through your left nose.
Your headaches will be gone.
Continued the exercise for one month.
Why not give it a try.....a natural therapy without medication.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.......
The nose has a left and a right side.
We use both to inhale and exhale.
Actually they are different.
You'll be able to feel the difference.
The right side represents the sun.
The left side represents the moon.
During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will go.
If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose.
After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed.
Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily.
Left side belongs to 'cold'.
Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get "cooled off" faster.
Most of the guys breathe with their right noses,
they get worked up.
Do you notice, the moment you awake, which side breathes better?
Left or right ?
If left is better, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing..
You will feel refreshed quickly.
Do you suffer from continual headaches?
Try out this breathing therapy.
Close your right nose and breathe through your left nose.
Your headaches will be gone.
Continued the exercise for one month.
Why not give it a try.....a natural therapy without medication.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Pomegranate Lovers
Health Benefits of Pomegranate/ Pomegranate Juice: The Top Ten

1. Antioxidants – These help to wrangle the hoards of free radicals in
your system. Free radicals have an uneven number of electrons and like
to balance themselves out by stealing from other molecules and cells in
your body. These cells are oftentimes very important ones dealing with
your DNA, and when they are destroyed, disease steps in. Pomegranate
juice is an excellent source of antioxidants that work to help you stay
2. Blood Thinner –
Pomegranate juice helps your blood circulation, making it easier for
blood to travel to your heart, brain, and the rest of your body.
3. Cancer Fighter – Pomegranate has been known to reduce and prohibit the growth of cancer cells and tumors in your body.
4. Digestion Aide – Pomegranate juice is a natural remedy for diarrhea,
dysentery, and great number of other digestive problems.
Anemia Relief – With a high content of iron, pomegranate juice is a
great home cure for anemia because it promotes higher levels of
6. Anti-Inflammatory – Pomegranate juice has
properties that help treat sufferers of arthritis. It can also help cure
a cough or sore throat.
7. Neonatal Care – It has been proven that pomegranate juice ingested by pregnant women can help protect the neonatal brain.
8. Artery Protection – It helps keep plaque from building up in your arteries.
9. Cartilage Protection – It works to prevent the deterioration of cartilage in your body.
10. Cholesterol Reducer – Pomegranate juice is capable of lowering blood pressure by as much as 6% in daily drinkers.
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