Stress is a virtually universal feature of midlife. We're all spread
way too thin by our busy lives and many of us feel that we just can't
keep up with all the demands on our time. There is encouraging news,
however, from recent studies
showing that it is possible to take control over your time, resources,
and energy, and lower your stress levels. Here, I'll highlight specific
ways that 50- and 60-somethings can live a more stress-free existence.
We begin with the fascinating concept that stress begets stress, a
process called "stress generation." UCLA researchers Nicole Eberhart and
Constance Hammen, writing in the April 2009 Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, tested the notion that we cause at least some of
our own stress, particularly the kind that relates to conflicts with
other people. Often, these are some of the most stressful situations we
face. Eberhart and Hammen found that women with a tendency to become
depressed drove away their romantic partners by constant needs for
reassurance. The more they drove their partners away, the more stressed
they became which, inevitably made them even more depressed.
The women in the Eberhart and Hammen study were college-aged, and so
the findings might not apply to people in their midlife years. However, a
2012 study by University of Texas psychologist Marci Gleason and her
collaborators, published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, showed
that even in midlife, some individuals still create their own stress by
causing strife in their relationships.
Gleason and her collaborators tested over 1,200 people ages 55-64 at
one point in time on measures of personality traits, or long-standing
dispositions, and personality disorders, which are long-term maladaptive
ways of behaving, feeling, and understanding yourself and others. Six
months later, they asked participants to report on their major life
events. If stress generation is a valid concept, the people with chronic
personality malaise should have reported a greater number of
undesirable life events.
The life events that Gleason's participants reported as occurring
within the 6-month period ran the gamut from death of a spouse, parent
or child to major financial problems, difficulties with the police or
courts, getting fired, having something stolen, and breaking up a
long-term relationship. The most frequently reported event was death of a
close friend or another relative (16%), followed by serious illness or
injury to another person (15%) or to oneself (11%). Then, putting stress
generation to the test, Gleason and her team calculated the
relationship between the 11 personality qualities they studied and the
total frequency of stressful life events. Two of the personality
attributes stood out as generating the most stress: high scores on
"neuroticism" (the tendency to be anxious and worry excessively) and borderline personality disorder,
a chronic instability of self-concept accompanied by a tendency to have
extreme emotional reactions. In other words, among these midlife
adults, being anxious or highly unstable at Time 1 predicted having a
greater number of stressful life events at Time 2.
We can conclude that being constantly on edge, prone to riding an
emotional roller coaster, and worrying that things will go wrong can set
the stage for more things in your life actually to go wrong. Once what
you fear begins to occur (people become ill and die, relationships end),
your emotional equanimity further deteriorates, and a negative cycle
becomes set into motion. Although other research shows that people
become better able to cope with stress as they get older, this study
shows that your personality can still cause complications in your life.
People's personalities can change at any point in the adult years,
and just because you're neurotic now, it doesn't mean you have to stay
neurotic forever. From the Gleason et al study you can see why this
might be important, particularly as you get older and the odds increase
that one of these negative life events will happen to you.
To keep stress from generating more stress in your life, you can start with these 4 basic steps:
1. Recognize how much you may be contributing to your own daily stress levels.
Without getting into a blame the victim mentality, there may be ways
you can minimize your stress levels by keeping your emotions in check
when you're around the people who are important to you in your life.
2. Build your mental health by building your physical health.
Moving your body can alleviate your emotional burden. You don't have to
be an exercise fanatic, but spending some of your day getting your
blood flowing will help boost your mood, which will further break the
stress-life event cycle.
3. Engage your sense of humor. One of the most
under-rated coping methods, a good laugh (even if it's just to yourself)
can recharge your emotional gas tank. Research on humor and coping
shows that the non-hostile kind of humor (that doesn't poke fun at
other people) can help you cheer up, and cheer up the other people
around you at the same time.
4. Recognize the difference between a hassle and a major life event.
Many of the participants in the Eberhart and Hammen study tended to
blow out of proportion the extent to which a life event had actually
occurred to them. Once you're in the "I'm stressed" mindset, you tend to
magnify even small problems way out of proportion. By then, you're
feeling overwhelmed and unable to manage what now seems like an
insurmountable problem.
These four steps to minimize stress may not make all your problems go
away, but they can provide a great touching off point. We know that
stress is in the mind of the beholder, and by adjusting your mindset,
you can also improve your mood, and ultimately, your relationships.
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